Solidarity committee for Advancement of Democracy in Iran (SCADI) چاپ ارسال به دوست
vokradio.com,Los Angeles, CA, USA
Protest Rally against Ahmadinejad at the United Nations
September 23, 2009
Solidarity committee for Advancement of Democracy in Iran(scadi_logo.jpgSCADI)
SCADI's program starts at 12:30 PM on September 23rd. SCADI will have a tent on 47th street [closer to 1st Avenue]. The tent will be close to the concession stand. Note that the police has given sound permit to 4 different entities on September 23rd. SCADI has the sound permit from 2:30 PM-4 PM.
SCADI is inviting its guests to assemble around the tent starting 12:30 PM.
SCADI's program on September 23rd include the following:
Slideshow [30 minutes]
Speeches and rally: 2:30-4 PM
The following is the alphabetically list of speakers and their cities,
the order of speakers to be announced later.
1. Ali Afshari (Washington),
2. Mohammad Borgei (Washington),
3. Fariba Davoodi (Washington),
4. Mansour Farhang(New York),
5. Mohsen Ghaemmagham (New York),
6. Mehrdad Hariri (Torento),
7. Hamid Kowsari (Los Angeles),
8. Mehrdad Mashayekhi (Washington),
9. Cklara Moradian( Los Angeles),
10. Shahrnoosh Parsipour (San Francisco),
11. Majid Tavallaii (Los Angeles)
We support participation in Voice4Iran rally and speeches: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM which will be close to 2nd Avenue and on 47th street.
Note 1: We also support the event organized by Voices4Iran on September 24th:10am: March with the Green Scroll across the Brooklyn Bridge (gather at Cadman Plaza Park in Brooklyn)
Note 2: We will provide light sandwiches and drinks for guests for a small donation at the tent.
Note 3: List of speakers is announced in alphabetical order.
Contact: Kourosh Parsa, 203-570-6964, kparsa@optonline.netThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
List of Slogans:
1. Free all political prisoners in Iran
2. Condemn torturing and murdering political prisoners in Iran.
3. Expel Ahamadinejad from the UN
4. Democracy, Freedom and secular Republic for Iran
5. Supreme Leadership is Dictatorship
6. No more religious dictatorship in Iran
7. Support Human Rights in Iran
8. Equal Rights for Women in Iran
9. Free Press Free Assembly Free Elections in Iran
10. Stop Ethnic & Religious Discrimination in Iran
11. No to Theocracy Yes to Democracy
12. Ahmadinejad is a TORTURER!
13. Ahmadinejad is a MURDERER!
14. United Nations pay attention to political prisoner in IRAN!
15. Ahmadinejad Is NOT the elected president of IRAN!
16. THANK YOU WORLD For Your support
17. Supreme leadership means medieval despotism [placard]
All buses will park on 3rd Avenue both sides from 47th Street to 55th Street. The buses will stay for the duration of the events and people know to return to the same bus.
Media Contact:
Dr. Kurosh Parsa
(203) 570-6964 - kparsa@optonline.netThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Mehdi Amini
(703) 850-7311 - Mehdi.amini@valueoptions.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
From past on July 25 in UCLA
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