Zainab Jalalian
Charge: Mohareb
We have assembled Contact information and sample letters to Iranian officials and to the UN Secretary General and High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding Zainab Jalalian's case. Please also sign the Petition to the United Nations regarding her case.
Zainab Jalalian was charged as Mohareb ("war against God") due to her membership in the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), a separatist organization that is illegal in Iran. Zainab's plea to say goodbye to her family was met with, "shut up" by the sentencing judge, and she was condemned to death by hanging. As Zainab was not permitted legal representation, the Islamic Republic violated her rights under Article 10 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) also guarantees the right to legal counsel in Article Article 14(3)(b) and (d).
Zainab's death sentence is based on her supposed involvement in PKK. "Mohareb" is a politically-motivated charge meaning, "armed war against God." The Islamic Republic uses this charge to condemn people for acting against the state, usually when there is no other remotely justifiable reason for their imprisonment. The Islamic Republic continually intimidates its oppressed Kurdish population by imprisoning, torturing, and executing them on false charges of threatening national security.
Nothing about Zainab's imprisonment, trial, and death sentence abide by international law. Both the UDHR and the ICCPR guarantee a fair trial, which Zainab was denied. She was not given a fair or impartial hearing, and denied the opportunity to examine witnesses against her or to have witnesses on her behalf. Zaiab's basic human dignity has been violated through these proceedings, and her execution is an abomination. Even if she was a member of PKK, the death sentence is a violation of Article 6(2) of the ICCPR: "In countries which have not abolished the death penalty, sentence of death may be imposed only for the most serious crimes."
Human Rights Activists News Agency and Green Voice of Freedom reported on March 5 that Zainab had been transferred from her prison in Kermanshah to the Ministry of Intelligence detention center. In the past, this has often indicated that a prisoner is about to be executed.
Amnesty International has issued an Urgent Action Alert for Zainab Jalalian and Hossein Khezri, who are believed to be at risk of imminent execution. We have assembled a sample letter you can send to Iranian authorities regarding these two cases.
UPDATE 26 June: Zainab Jalalian's sentence has been upheld and advanced to the enforcement section. She is in imminent danger of execution.
From the source:
"Following the confirmation of the death sentence of Zeinab Jalalian by appeals court and Supreme Court, the case was referred for the preparation of the execution...Zeinab Jalalian’s sentence was confirmed in the Appeals Court and was also confirmed by the Supreme Court, and has been referred for the preparation of the execution, within the past 48 hours, authorities are waiting for a special letter for carrying out the execution."
With thanks to MrZand for translation.
UPDATE 28 June: Mission Free Iran has provided sample letters to send to both United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay and Florian Westphal and Dorothea Krimitsas of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Activist @shariatmadari has created a video for Zeinab Jalalian. Bloggers can embed this video using code from his site.
United For Iran has created a Facebook profile badge for users to raise awareness about Zeinab.
We are asking everyone to write to the United Nations, the Iranian Judiciary and other influential figures. Zeinab's lawyer, Khalil Bahramian, has stated that United Nations intervention is the only chance to save his client's life.
- 28 June 2010 UN must interfere to save Zeynab’s life./خلیل بهرامیان: برای نجات زینب جلالیان با دبیر کل سازمان ملل تماس بگیرید StreetJournalist.
- 26 June 2010 ارسال پرونده زینب جلالیان به دایره اجرای احکام Kurdish Perspective.
- 26 June 2010 خانم زینب جلالیان ،زندانی سیاسی محکوم به اعدام ،درخطراجرای حکم قرار داد. Kurdish Human Rights Association.
- 21 April 2010 Iran: Two Kurds at imminent risk of execution: Hossein Khezri and Zeynab Jalalian. Amnesty International Urgent Action Alert
- 5 March 2010 No information on the status of Zainab Jalalian. (Persian): Human Rights Activists News Agency and Green Voice of Freedom
- 21 January 2010 Iran: Death Sentence Issued for Female Kurdish Political Prisoner. Payvand Iran News
- 27 November 2009 Political prisoner, Zeinab Jalalian on death row. Planet Iran
- 26 November 2009 Statement by Zeinab Jalalian
- United Nations: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
What can be done?
Take Action
- Write your senators
- The 346 NO EXECUTION Project
- Amnesty International
- Cut the Rope (Facebook)
- Green Embassies Campaign: Stand Against the Execution of Political Prisoners! (English, Portugese, Spanish, Chinese, and Dutch)
- Mission Free Iran resources اعدام موقوف Not One More Execution. Basic instructions and materials to help you stand up and demand an end to executions in Iran.
- United4Iran ACTION: Demand an End to Executions
Sign Petitions
Learn More
- International Laws
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
- ICCPR English Law
- Declarations of Human Rights
- United Nations: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- Amnesty International: Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Stop the Executions
Bitte helfen Sie!!! Leben in Gefahr!!!
Lieber Human Rights Organisationen:
Ich schreibe Ihnen mit der dringenden Bitte, dass Sie mit den Behörden zu intervenieren in der Islamischen Republik Iran, die Vorbereitung auf weibliche kurdischen politischen Gefangenen Frau Zeinab Jalalian auszuführen sind. Multilaterale Organisationen haben bisher geweigert, in Schritt und setzen einen Stopp des verbrecherischen Handlungen von der Islamischen Republik verübt. Ihr Mandat Ihre Organisation fördert die Arbeit der Gefangenen Besuch in Situationen der inneren Gewalt, wo die Genfer Konventionen nicht anwenden, verpflichten. Ich bitte Sie, in Schritt und fordern einen Stopp dieses und andere laufende strafrechtliche Verfahren und barbarisch in der Islamischen Republik.
Die UN und alle anderen bilateralen und multilateralen Organisationen blieb im Gefängnis von 1988 Massaker in Iran, wo Tausende von politischen Gefangenen, wie Ms. Jalalian heimlich hingerichtet wurden und in Massengräbern verscharrt schweigen. Wir werden nicht tatenlos zusehen und zulassen Schweigen zu diesen laufenden Verbrechen zu decken. Wir fordern jetzt handeln.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie UNHRC (+41-22-917 9220) oder (+1-212-963 5012), sofort zu handeln, um ihrer Hinrichtung zu stoppen! Wenn Sie nicht erreichen, die verantwortliche Person, eine Nachricht hinterlassen. FAX: 00442079561157
Please help!!! life in danger!!!
Dear Human Rights Organisations:
My name is Ms Zeinab Jalalian (زینب جلالیان). I am a 27-year-old Kurdish female political prisoner in prison in Iran. My death sentence was confirmed by the Iranian Supreme Court.
I am currently ill because of torture and I don’t have any lawyer to defend me. I want to tell you that my trial took only few minutes. The Court told me: “You are an enemy of God. You must be hanged very soon.” That was the sum of my entire court process. I asked the judge to give me permission to say good bye to my mother and family before my execution. He told me to “shut up” and rejected my request
Please also contact UNHRC (+41-22-917 9220) or (+1-212-963 5012) to act immediately to stop her execution!! If you do not reach the person in charge, leave a message.
On behalf of Zeinab THANK YOU...