Saturday, September 08, 2012

UNAUSA-SVchpater with Rotory Club held an event

Saturday, August 25th, 2012 was a highlighted by holding a big event with participation of 200 participant in an event by Greater Van Nuys and Chatsworth Sunset Rotary Clubs and the 
San Fernando Valley Chapter of the United Nations Association, U.S.A.

. The event held
in one of our veteran human rights activist and dear member Barbara.This evening was an “evening in Kabul” where the attendees had opportunity to learn more about Afganistan, children and dental problem there. Our chapter along with Rotory club hosted many guests and donors who are agree with Dr. Ralph’s mission.

The Proceeds from the dinner and silent auction raised in
benefit the much needed operations of the Dental Relief Project. Event was included :Afghan menu,-Paintings by Afghan artist Betsy Noorsey and well known International photographer and professor Mrs.Rita Nessian who provides photos of nature, , poor children, woman in traditional cloths.
-Presentation by Dr. Rolfe showing the work that has been accomplished to bring dental health to the women and children of Afghanistan 
The co-president of UNAUSA_SV Mr. David Tukman welcomed and thanked the attendees in this event. 

It was an amazing great succesful event .Thanks to all the members of our UNA chapter that work hard and thanks to our dear artist Rita's Photos for her generous donation of her arts in this event to help Dental Clinic Fundraiser for children and Orphans
Photos by :Rita Nessian and contribution to the project

more photos:

Sunday, September 02, 2012

ئازه ر میهر- آذرمهر - AzarMehr

ئازه ر میهر
گوفاری هاوین پیشکه ش به زه ینه ب جه لالیان

 ده ستی خوشکه کانم که زه حمه تیان کیشاوه خوش بیت. نگین و شلیر و باقی نوسه ره کان