Sunday, November 26, 2006

International Day of Violance Against Women

Domestic violence exposed: a series of monthly online features
"Hands Tied" artwork by Alice Horton
© Alice Horton

"Violence shatters the peaceful image of the home, the safety that kinship provides. None the less, the insidious nature of domestic violence has been documented across nations worldwide."
- UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women 1996

Women from all countries and from all religions, cultures and social backgrounds - living in war or peace times - suffer from violence at the hands of their partners, husbands or ex-husbands.

"I really don’t know what it was that evening that made me decide to call the police, but I always say that it was the sight of cleaning up my own blood."
- Lorraine, a British woman, was regularly beaten up by her partner for eight years before telling anybody.

Amnesty International calls on every individual, community and government to add their voice to stop violence against women and end this human rights scandal.