knowing the truth is ignorance; closing ones eyes over the truth is a
crime, denying it is a disaster. Abandoning the truth is all of the
the truth is easily accessible through the median of highly technical
systems. No one can deny Saddam's dictatorship, genocide and crimes
against the Kurds in Iraq, but the rulers closed their eyes and even
worse closed people's eyes and forced ignorance upon their gullible
a world where selling the west's second hand technology and weapons are
more of priority than crimes against humanity, what importance do the
Kurds and their claim against Saddam have? When black gold plays a big
role in war and Peace, how can the Kurdish voice be heard? It's no
surprise that scenarios are written, played and showcased before hand.
a barbaric character has been executed without confronting the full
horror of his crimes. He will be buried in his own city, as if all the
mass graved bodies were buried in their home cities! The Iraqi court
was neither justice nor enough, for no one is there to accept
responsibility for the heinous crimes against humanity, chemical
bombardment of more than 5000 innocence people in Halabja,
disappearances, mass graves, execution without trails, misplacements
people from their own home city to another including Kirkuk and other
Arabized regions. Saddam set up The Anfal Campaign against the Kurds,
yet he was sent to his death without letting people talk about those
things. They could care less about people's rights, and it wasn't
hatred for Saddam that brought about his hanging; it was the fear of
revealing the truth about their own role in his crimes. And thus they
abandoned the truth.
young son asked me a moving question; why are they debating whether
Saddam should be hanged or not, when no one could defend the people who
were fond in his mass graves?
are the Kurdish leaders and organizations that "claim" for Kurds? Have
they lost their weight in the power deals to protect Kurdish people who
trust them and lean on them for a strategy and security?
a Kurdish woman, his premature execution is not the end of the story. I
lost my uncle under Saddam's bombs, which were bought from those who
keep people's eyes closed from the truth. I was pregnant then, like
hundreds of Kurdish mothers, who lost their adorable children on their
way from home to the border. I lost my brother in-law to the aftermath
of Saddam's chemical weapons. Saddam's sentence to death is not the end
of the story; the trial is not over and it will never be done...