American Institute of Indian Studies
1130 E. 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
Dear Elise,
In another surge of arrests and upheaval in Iran, yet one more important and precious Human Right activist and journalist Ms. Negin Sheikh-Ol-Eslami, the former president of the Cultural Association of Women of Azarmehr Kurdistan, as well as an active member of the One million signature campaign was arrested on Sunday October 5th, 2008.
According to the family, friends, and the Human Right Activists in Iran, we were told that Ms. Negin was taken in by authorities to the infamous cells of Evin prison, section 209.
Ms. Negin's family and friends, Human Right activists, and supporters around the world are very concerned about her whereabouts, her health, her condition, but ultimately her life.
We ask Amnesty International to represent Ms. Negin Sheikh-Ol-Eslami and help us in making sure she is released safely back to her concerned family.
We also need you to help us in taking immediate action in our continuous efforts to put international pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran to release all "Prisoners of Conscious" and end their horrendous treatment of minorities in Iran, specifically the Kurds.
We need your help in spreading the word about the atrocities taking place in the prisons of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the regime's authorities.
Thank you,
Cklara Moradian
PR- Kurdish American Committee for Democracy in Iran.KNCNA