Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dr. Soraya Fallah introduces "The Climate Crisis -United nation Day" by UNAUSA SFV

In partnership with the Sierra Club/Los Angeles Chapter, Citizens’ Climate Lobby the United Nations Association San Fernando Valley Chapter hosts the 2019 UN Day Celebration recognizing Our Planet: Our Future
The Rev. Dr. Richard Lyon, psychotherapist, Presbyterian minister & Citizen's Climate Lobby member will to speak on:
The Climate Crisis Now!
Perils and Prospects

This presentation will focus on the current findings of climate science, the answers to questions typically raised by Doubters and Deniers, and a proposed solution contained in House Res. 763: the Carbon Fee and Dividend.

Thursday Nov 7th, 2019 ; 7:00 to 9:00 PM
LAFD Fire Station--89 Community Center7063 Laurel Canyon
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Light Refreshments
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