Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Leave off absent for a project

My dear friends and fellow activists, Due to a high priority project, I am currently unavailable on Facebook and other social networking ; I apologize in advance if I am unable to reply to your messages



به ریزان و هاوریان مال ئاوایی بو ماوه ییک . ئه و دوسته ئازیزانه م وا له سه ر توره کومه لایه تیه کان وه ک فه یس بووک بو وت و یژ و کاری هاوبه ش له سه ر چالاکیکدا له گه لما پیوه ندی ده گرن یا کو به مه به ستیک په یام ده نیرن باشتره بزانن بو ماوه ییک له عوتله ی پروژه ییکدا ده بم و پیم ناکری ولام بده مو. زور داوای لی بودرن ده که م

دوستان عزیزم با توجه به اولویت پروژه ای که در حال حاضر شروع کرده ام برای مدتی روی کلیه شبکه های اجتماعی فیس بووک ، تویتر ،وبلاگ و ایمیل ، و سکایپ و برای شرکت در جلسات و مصاحبات حضور نخواهم داشت و قادر به پاسخگویی به پیام های شما نخواهم بود. تا اتمام این کار معذورم بدارید . الوداع


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Song: The Weapon and the Womb by Soraya&Omeed

 Song: The Weapon and the Womb
Song by:Soraya Fallah and Omeed Rafizadeh
Translation: Cklara Moradian

Contributed to : The International Campaign to Stop Rape and Violence in conflict

1) له‌ نیو شه ڕ ۆ له‌ جه‌نگدا

له‌ مه‌یدانی خه‌باتدا
مافی هه‌موان له‌ ژێر پێ
مافی ئافره‌ت به‌ تایبه‌ت
ژنان ئه بن بی په نا
We are the beasts, taking pleasure in violence,
try to talk, but we stay silent,
Missile in the ground, sound off pound down, penetration, foreign policy is like rapin'
so many jewels tangled in her hair, buried in the sand, underneath the land, taken out my hands
guns, sex, love of the war, they want more, conquer the country, make it your whore,
به لینم داوه بیستم
به رانبه ر توند و تیژی
ده نگی خوم و ئافره تان
به رابنه ر ده س دریژی

بخش ترجمه :

آهنگ  سلاح وزهدان
  کمپین جهانی‌ ضّد تجاوز جنسی

In the battle filed
 In the war zone
Rights of everyone violated
Especially women
They become shelter- less


 در هنگام جنگ
در میدان مبارزه
حق همه انسانها تضییق می شود
بخصوص زنان
آنان بی پناه می شوند

Translation Farsi :
برخی از انسانها مانندحیوانات وحشی هستند، از خشونت لذت می‌برند
شما سعی‌ می‌کنید حرف بزنید، ولی ‌ما ساکت می‌نشینیم
موشک در زمین
 زمین خوردنش، ورودش به زمین،
، مثل تجاوز میمونه
عین سیاست خارجی
بسیاری جواهر در موهایش(زمین)،
درون خاک ،
به خاک سپرده شده ،
 دیگه از دست از من خارج است !!
اسلحه،سکس، عشق به جنگ،
از تسخیر سرزمین فاحشه ساختند
------------  ----------------------
2 ترجمه کردی بخش انگلیسی

-بری که س وه ک بونه وه ری ده ڕنده ن حه زیان له توندو تیژیه
ئیوه ده تانویست قسه که ن ئیمه وست ماین
موشه ک له عه رزدا
درانی به عه رزا و هه لچه قانی
وه ک ده س دریژیه
هه روه ک سیاسه تی ده ره وه ی ولاته کان
زور گه وهه ر له قژی زه ویدا هه یه

به لام چوه نیو گله وه
ئیتر له ده ستم ده رچوو
حه زیان له چه که و سکس و شه رخوشه ویستن
له داگیر کردنی ناوچه که ژنی خوفروشیان دروس کرد

Translation English :

I pledge
to speak out against
All forms of violence
Against women
I speak out and advocate
Against rape and sexual violence
: من تعهد می‌کنم
 که با هرگونه خشونت علیه  زنان
 و تجاوز جنشی در منطق جنگی و پر از کشمکش  مبارزه کنم و
 صدای زنان باشم .

Monday, August 12, 2013

Support Kurdish Refugee in Syria -Western Kurdistan

You’re cordially invited to Niroj Levant Cuisine
to attend a dinner fundraiser; the funds raised
will go to assist the Kurdish refugees of
Western Kurdistan (Kurdistan - Rojava)
Sunday, August 18th, 2013
7:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Niroj Levant Cuisine
30313 Canwood st.
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
The fundraiser program will include
Kurdish dinner and Kurdish music

Sponsored by Kurdish National Congress of North America

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

3rd Conference on Kurdish Women in East Kurdistan ‘Rojhalet’

3rd Conference on Kurdish Women in East Kurdistan ‘Rojhalet’
‘The Role of Kurdish Women in Bringing about Social Change and Democratisation in Iran’
Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th October 2013
London Metropolitan University
166-220 Holloway Road
London, N7 8DB
The Organising Committee for the 3rd Conference on Kurdish Women in East Kurdistan (Rojhalet) is putting together a conference entitled ‘The Role of Kurdish Women in Bringing about Social Change and the Democratisation in Iran’ taking place on 26th & 27th October 2013 in London. The language of the conference will be Kurdish with the exception of Panel 4 which will be in English.
The Conference will consider the discussion on Kurdish women in the following themes within four panels:
Panel 1 - The Status of Kurdish Women in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and the Diaspora: addresses the current status of Kurdish women from a political, economical and cultural perspective by women from the Kurdish regions and Diaspora.
Panel 2 - How to Raise and Value Gender Awareness within Kurdish Society: addresses the growing interest on women’s rights and emancipation in Kurdish society.
Panel 3 - Visibility and Invisibility of Kurdish Women in Iran: addresses the otherness of Kurdish women in Iran in particular within Iran’s women’s and democratic movement.
Panel 4 - Solidarity with Kurdish Women: addresses issues complementary and harmonious to the topic of the conference and a show of solidarity with the struggle of Kurdish women in asserting their rights.
The Conference Organising Committee invites those interested in participating in panels 2 & 3 of the Conference to send their abstracts by 31st August 2013 to Abstracts should be not exceed more than 300 words and the accepted presentation paper must not be more than 10-15 minutes. Please note abstracts will not be accepted for Panel 1 & 4 as speakers for these panels are via invitation only by the Committee.
The Conference intends on producing a resolution that will make recommendations on how Kurdish women can take steps forward in achieving their aims and objectives in promoting and asserting their rights within Kurdish society.
Organising Committee for the 3rd Conference on Kurdish Women in East Kurdistan ‘Rojhalet’, London – July 2013.