There is no need for all those knowledge in this world if we imprison them inside our skull
If those knowledge are not used for financial abilities,they are fake and non real
soraya F
message by Ricardo Gustavo
An Angel
To Zaynab Jalalian in memoriam
It was at the evening
When shadows're growing
Mountains turned blush
From gray stones and green bush
Then , killers appeared ,
Silence steps and faces shaded
They took her like a cornered dove
She had a hearth full of true love
For her hamlet , her suffered people
Her lovely mountainous land
She put her mind and hands
For a kingdom of worthy and freedom
In her conquered lovely motherland
She was prisioner , tortured in a dark cell
Afterwards the Master of Shadows hanged
Her delicately strong and beatiful body
The long black gowns and beard face of her twigs
Smiled happiest for killed a woman defendless
Their coward mouths will be frozen by fearless
When they know that Zaynab is not dead !
She in an Angel that flies around
Encouraging her brave people in their harsh fought!
ricardo gustavo espeja
Zaynab Jalalian
December 2010
Subject: Concern over the imminent execution of a female Kurdish political prisoner
To: Mrs. Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
From: Soraya Fallah, Chair of World’s Women For Life
Honorable Mrs. Shirin Ebadi,
Your membership and supportive efforts on behalf of the campaign for “a greater family for political prisoners”(1), as well as your acceptance of several political prisoners of conscious as your own family members, is once again demonstrating your attention and concern regarding people who are facing abuse and torture or death and annihilation.
I am now seeking your support regarding one of the women among the listed Kurdish political prisoners in imminent danger of execution.
Zaynab Jalalian (2), a 27 years old Kurdish woman, was arrested in Kermanshah in early 2007. She was dispatched to the infamous Sanandaj prison soon after. This is the same prison which bears witness to Ehsan Fattahian’s (3) execution, and the tragedy of two sisters Nasrin and Shahla Ka'bi (4) who were violently annihilated. The same place which is plagued by the memory of Shahriar who was forced to carry on his back the tortured body of his brother Ahsan(Nahid) to an untimely and unjust death by the bullets of a firing squad(5).
Last year, in a show trail that lasted only a few minutes, Zaynab was condemned to death. Her offense was for the illusory “crime” of enmity against God — moharebeh — and affiliation with a supposed “anti-revolutionary” organization. Her death sentence was approved by the highest judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the absence of her lawyers Dr. Mohammed Sharif and Mr. Khalil Bahramy.
Ever since the harrowing execution of Shirin (Alam Hooli)(6), Zaynab’s friend and fellow inmate, the shadow of death is looming larger over her; however, Zaynab’s pleas for justice continue to go unnoticed by activists, political figures, and human rights organizations. It seems that many choose to continue to remain blind to Zaynab’s fate, out of fear of being falsely labeled, accused of guilt by association.
It is saddening, but not uncommon to witness such discriminatory treatments. This seems to be, and has always been, the fate of the long list of Kurdish political prisoners (7): executed or awaiting execution (8).
Unfortunately, no urgent action has been taken to change Zaynab’s conditions; neither by the so called leaders of the recent movement in Iran, nor by the Iranian human rights organizations. Thus Zaynab Jalalian and the likes of her are grappling with the nightmare of being slaughtered in obscurity, the worst nightmare for any political prisoner (9).
In her short epistle of pain and suffering, Zaynab states that, “I asked the judge to allow me to see my mother and my family for the last time, to say goodbye to them before I die; the judge told me to ‘Shut the…up!’” (10)
Like other Kurdish women, in addition to facing the widespread gender inequality in Iran, Zaynab has been doubly subjected to various forms of cultural, social, economic, ethnic, and religious discriminations, and experienced extraordinary inequality in educational opportunities. Now too, instead of being provided with an opportunity to redress these injustices, or like every human being be able to meet her full potential, Zaynab awaits the gallows.
My own personal memories (from prison) make it possible to visualize some of her nightmares. I am not sure where she is being held captive, but if she is in one of Kurdish area’s prison, she will be taken to the bathroom, blindfolded, twice a day. She is most likely being kept in a crypt for solitary confinement. There she must lie down on the bare ground, since a bed is something that she can be blessed with only when she is being tortured. This prison is wholly sealed off from inspection by any watchdog organization; it is not even inspected once a year. Last June, in a cell next to Zaynab’s, a Kurdish prisoner, without a trial of any kind, was accused of separatism and consequently subjected to suffocation under the alcohol-boarding method. Zaynab constantly thinks of him, and of another acquaintance of hers, who was executed last May after months of torture.
Such nightmares are experienced daily; these atrocities, which have gone completely unnoticed, frequently take place in the large and small prisons of Kurdistan.
Of course, there are many who prefer to act as if they are unaware of this situation. Such people even try to avoid reporting the news about the long list of Kurdish prisoners awaiting the gallows and hangman’s noose, and they refuse to print the names and pictures of these prisoners because of a Kurd or even a Sunni “birthmark.”
It does not bother them to hear that one of the country’s award-winning authors (11) is being tortured, simply because he is a Kurd. Fearful that one day these prisoners might serve the Kurdish nation, no one bothers to fight for their release. Great minds, men who have dedicated their lives to combating HIV & AIDS (12), are now kept in the crypt and solitary confinements. All Kurdish activists must end up in prison; it does not make much difference whether their field of activity is a political, scientific, cultural or literary endeavor.
Last spring, after the sudden execution of five political prisoners in Iran (four Kurds and a fellow Persian prisoner), some of my [Persian](13) human rights activists asked me whether or not the victims were separatists and members of opposition groups. I was reminded of the forgetfulness of our uncles who wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Apparently, at the time, our uncles did not know, or they forgot to clarify who should be listed for execution and who shouldn’t. Had they read articles 1–3 in the Universal Declaration, perhaps their tender Persian nationalistic feelings would not be so wounded.
I have chosen Zaynab as my sister (14). However, because of the severity of her case, I have been unable to stay in touch with her. For the last three years, my family has been barred from visiting her. She was unable to even celebrate her birthdays. She has spent her last two birthdays under constant torture and interrogations. I was recently informed that due to frequent torture and heavy strikes on her head, Zaynabs’ eyesight is fast diminishing.
I feel overwhelmed with pain whenever I read any news about Zaynab or when I look at the pictures of her innocent face; it is as if she is the bearer of all incarcerated Kurdish girls’ pains and embodies their suffering.
Thinking of her reminds me of those frightening, chilly nights in Kurdistan’s prisons; the torturous sounds of the interrogators’ feet and the loud reciting of the Quran — I had no idea from which cell it was coming. I think of the military blanket and the curved strips and the broken lines on the walls and those moments when I was forced out of my cell to be tortured. At every moment, I felt a hostage of my fears of the interrogators’ indecent hands, and my thoughts of insufferable moments of violence, coupled with the hopes for freedom.
So each day now, in the hopes of hearing a piece of good news, that a political prisoner is being freed, and in order to break my silence, I join a group and participate in a campaign. Hoping that my voice may unshackle a prisoner’s feet; hoping to see Zaynab, an adolescent who left her home and family for the sake of freedom and equality, will one day return home; hoping to see that in Dem-Qeshlaq village/Maku, the little girls’ eyes will twinkle with the glow of happiness to witness their Zaynab returning to their village; I, like hundreds of like-minded people around the world who hold too many great hopes, aspire to actualize the contents of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Dearest Mrs. Ebadi,
In the light of your willingness to risk your own life to support and defend many political cases in the past, I am emboldened to ask for your support. You have been standing tall against various instances of human rights violations and discrimination in Iran. I am encouraged by your admirable use of your podium as a Nobel laureate in serving and supporting political prisoners. My hope is that you appreciate my logic, my fears, and my anxiety concerning the atrocities that are taking place against Kurdish activists in Iranian prisons specifically the fate of Zaynab Jalalian.
I am aware that you are not living in Iran any longer, and cannot be present at the courts to confront a justice system that has no independence whatsoever (15). However, Zaynab’s cries for justice will surely not be silenced if you symbolically represent her and if you accept her as one of your family members.
I believe human rights activists, and others whose voices can still be heard, have a responsibility, and should make room to defend all those whose voices have been silenced and buried behind prison walls, all those who are subject to torture, execution, and imprisonment for their fight against inequality, injustice, against the violation of their freedom, their collective and national rights, their religious rights, and against abuses and gender violence. Please help Zaynab’s voice to be heard; her voice is being buried alive. Please let the world hear all those voices that are buried under the debris of silence.
With warmest regards,
Soraya Fallah (16)
A member of the Greater Family’s Campaign for Political Prisoners
& chair of World’s Women For Life (17)
translated from Farsi by: Dr. Kamal Suleimani
5. &
9. مازیار بهاری
عکسی از زینب جلالیان
دسامبر ۲۰۱۰
موضو ع: دلنگرانی نسبت به اعدام قریب الوقوع یک زن زندانی سیاسی- عقیدتی کُرد
به: حضور محترم خانم شیرین عبادی، برنده جایزه صلح نوبل
از:ثریا فلاح، دبیر سازمان غیرانتفاعی جنبش زنان برای زندگی
سرکار خانم شیرین عبادی عزیز ؛
قبول عضویت در "کمپین خانواده بزرگ زندانیان سیاسی (۱) و حمایت شما از آنان و پذیرش چند تن از زندانیان سیاسی-عقیدتی به عنوان اعضای خانواده تان بار دیگر بازتاب توجه و دلنگرانی شما نسبت به افرادی است که در معرض آزار و شکنجه یا مرگ و نابودی قرار گرفته اند. از این روی به عنوان یکی از اعضاء خانواده بزرگ زندانیان سیاسی،تصمیم گرفتم تا از شما در رابطه با یکی از زنان زندانی کُرد که در لیست محکومین به اعدام قرار گرفته تقاضای کمک نمایم.
زینب جلالیان(۲) دختر ۲۷ ساله کُرد ، در سال ۱۳۸۶ در کرمانشاه دستگیر و از آن به بعد به زندان مخوف سنندج منتقل شد،آنجا که خاطره دردناک اعدام احسان(۳ ) ، تراژدی جوخه آتش خواهران امدادگر،شهلا و نسرین کعبی(۴) را با خود یدک می کشد و شاهد تحمیل حمل احسن )ناهید) بردوش برادرش شهریار و رساندن او به جوخه اعدام است. (۵)
وی در دادگاهی چند دقیقه ای به اتهام محاربه با خدا و وابستگی به یکی از احزاب به اصطلاح ضد انقلابی کُردستان بهاعدام محکوم شد .دادگاهی وی بدون حضور وکلای مدافع اش، آقایان خلیل بهرامی و دکتر محمد شریف در دیوان عالی کشور به تأیید رسیده است.
گرچه پس از اعدام شیرین (علم هولی) .( ۶) سایه مرگ بیشتر و بیشتر بر سر زینب می گردد، اما صدای دادخواهی او کمتر و کمتر به گوش فعالان سیاسی و مدنی ، شخصیت های سیاسی و گروههایی می رسد که از ترس انگ و برچسب خوردن او را نادیده می گیرند. البته متاسفانه این مساله در مورد لیست بلند بالای زندانیان کُرد با محکومیتهای بالا و اتهاماتی واهی که مجازاتی جز اعدام ندارند، امر ناشناخته و غریبی نیست.
متأسفانه از سوی رهبران جنبش اخیر و حتی حامیان حقوق بشر ایرانی نیز اقدام عاجلی برای تغییر شرایط زینب دیده نشده و می رود تا شب و روز زینب ها به بدترین کابوس یک زندانی سیاسی، یعنی کابوس فراموش شدن تبدیل شود( ۷)
در رنجنامه کوتاهش میگوید که "از حاکم خواستم که پیش از اعدامم به من اجاره دهد برای آخرین بار مادرم و خانواده ام را ببینم و با ایشان خداحافظی کنم ،قاضی گفت که دهنم را ببندم"..( ۸)
زینب، جدا از مواجه با تبعیضات جنسیتی که حاکم بر زندگی تمام زنان ایران است، به عنوان یک شهروند کُرد، به تبع ِ تبعیضات قومی و مذهبی، با مشکلات عدیده فرهنگی ، اجتماعی واقتصادی ای روبرو بوده که رنج ستمی مضاعف را بر او تحمیل کرده است. او نه تنها رنج تمام دختران کُرد را به دوش می کشد، که نامش همچون سایر برادران و خواهران کُرد ویا سُنّی زندانی سیاسی و عقیدتی، پنهان و آشکار کم رنگ و محو می شوند ، زنی که اینک در شب های سرد زندان، با تنی شکنجه شده و روحی آزرده و تحقیر گشته روزهای نزدیک شدن به اعدام را شماره می کند.
می توانم کابوس های او را به کمک خاطراتم تصور کنم . نمی دانم کجاست اما اگر دریکی از زندان کُردستان یا مناطق کُردنشین باشد روزی دو بار با چشم بسته دستشویی می برند و در دخمه ای که سلولش می نامند بایست روی زمین بخوابد استفاده از تخت لطفی است که به هنگام تعزیر و شکنجه از آن استفاده می شود..آخر هیچ واچ داگی نیست که آنجا را در طول سال بازدید کند. در زندان و سلول کنار دست او یک زندانی را که قبل از محاکمه به اتهام تجزیه طلبی واقدام علیه امنیت ملی مجرم شناخته شده بود با الکل بوردینگ حذف کردند،زینب به او و به کسی که می شناختش و به زبان کوردی با شاگردهایش صحبت می کرد و پس از تحمل ماهها زندان زیر شکنجه جان خود را از دست داد. می اندیشد ، کابوسهایی که ممکن است هر روز به وقوع بپیوندد فاجعه هایی که هر روز در زندانهای کوچک و بزرگ کُردستان اتفاق می افتد و کسی خبر ندارد و ظاهرآ بسیاری هم ترجیح می دهند که خبر نداشته باشند مبادا از طرف سایرین خائن به وطن و یاور تجزیه طلبان خطاب شوند. وحتی از چاپ و درج اخبار مربوط به آنان که لیست بلند بالای منتظران چوبه دار(۹)را تشکیل می دهند خودداری و عکس آنان را به عمد و غیر عمد حذف می کنند.ودربیشتر کمپین های خود ازآنان سخن به میان نمی آورند.( ۱۰) گویی اینکه آنان فرزندان این آب و خاک نیستند. مهم نیست اگر برنده جایزه نویسندگان تحت آزار در حال مرگ است .( ۱۱) چون کُرد است و اعجوبه های علم و دانش در زمینه ایدز.( ۱۲) بایست در دخمه بمانند مبادا روزی به ملت کُرد خدمت کنند. فعال فرهنگی ،علمی ،یا مدنی هستی جایت زندان است ،فعال ادبی هستی جایت زندان است ،فعال سیاسی هستی محکوم به نابودی هستی .
وقتی که پس از اعدام ناگهانی پنج زندانی سیاسی (۱۳) در اردیبهشت امسال کنشگران هم رزمم می پرسیدند راستی اینها گروهکی و تجزیه طلب نبودند؟ یاد عموهایمان می افتادم که منشور جهانی حقوق بشر را می نوشتند،در آن هنگام آنان نمی دانستند و یادشان نبود که صف بندی کنند و آنها که بایست در لیست اعدامیان باشند را به روشنی مشخص کنند . شاید اگر همین دوستان به خود زحمت داده و بندهای سی گانه آن را مطالعه کنند دیگر این پرسش روحیه رقیق وطن پرستی شان را تحریک نکند.
من زینب را به خواهری برگزیده ام (۱۴)اما به خاطر خانواده اش امکان گرفتن خبر از او را ندارم امسال سومین سالی است که خانواده ما از دیدن زینب محروم است. او روزهای تولدش را که هرگز جشن نگرفته در دو سال اخیر در زیر شکنجه های بی امان زندانبانان ،شکنجه گران و بازجویان بوده است..به تازگی مطلع شدم که هر دو چشمش بر اثر شکنجههای فراوان و وارد کردن ضربات سنگین بر سرش روز به روز ضعیفتر گشته.
هرگاه به خبرهای مربوط به او و صورت معصومش نگاه می کنم بی اختیار دلم به درد می آید. انگار رنج تمام دختران کُرد را به دوش می کشد.به زندانی که او در آن است می اندیشم ویاد شبهای دردناک زندان سرد کُردستان می افتم ،شکنجۀ صدای پای بازجو و قرآن که نمی دانستی از کدام گوشه سلول می آید. پتوی سربازی و خطهای کج و معوج کنده شده روی دیوار، لحظه بردن به شکنجه گاه . ترس و نگرانی دستهای آلوده بازجو نمی گذارد از فکر لحظه زجرآور خشونت و اندیشه لذتبخش رهایی خلاص شوم و هر روز در انتظار خبری از رهایی آنان که در بندند به گروهی و کمپینی می پیوندم تا سکوت را بشکنم.
به سان صدهاتن از هم اندیشانم در اطراف جهان با آرزوهای بزرگ وبرای خواستهای بدیهی مندرج در منشور خقوق بشر تلاس می کنم تا شاید صدایم بندی را پاره کند و شاید چشمهای روشن و غزالی دخترکان چشم انتظار روستای دیم قشلاقِ ماکواز بازگشت زینب و زینب ها بدرخشد، از دیدن قهرمان روستایشان که در اولین طلیعه هوشیاری و خودشناسی سن نیمه بلوغ دنبال سرنوشت و رهایی ، خانه وکاشانه اش را در پی به دست آوردن آزادی وبرابرای گذاشت و رفت..
خانم عبادی عزیز،
از آن جایی که طی سالهای اخیر ریسک دفاع از پرونده های بسیاری از محکومان به مرگ را به جان خریده و نقض مدام حقوق بشر در ایران را فاش و صدای زندانیان دربند را بگوش جهانیان رسانده اید ، از تریبونی که در اختیارتان بوده برای حمایت اززندانیان در بند استفاده نموده اید و همواره خواهان برچیدن هرگونه اجحاف و تبعیض بوده اید، منطق و در عین حال دلنگرانی و پریشانی مرا از وقایع وحشتناک و تبعیضات و اجحافات دو جانبه که در آنجا اتفاق می افتد درک کنید.
می دانم که به گفته خودتان در ایران نیستید تا بتوانید همانند گذشته در دادگاه حاضر شوید و روبروی قضاتی که متاسفانه استقلال خود را از دست دادند بایستید،( ۱۵) اما من بر این امیدم که با پذیرش او به عنوان عضو خانوادتان وبه عهده گرفتن وکالت نمادین وی صدای خفه شده زنی از سلول های سرد کردستان را به گوش جهانیان برسانید.
بر این باورم تا زمانی که انسانهایی برای مبارزه با نابرابری ، بی عدالتی ، نقض آزادی عقیده ، نقض حقوق قومی و مذهبی ، خشونت و آزار جنسی به زندان افتاده ، شکنجه،تحقیر و اعدام می شوند و فریاد آزادیخواهی آنان در پشت دیوارهای زندان محبوس می گردد هنوزجایی برای ضرورت مبارزه توسط کنشگران حقوق بشر و صاحبان تریبون وجود دارد. صدای زینب باشید صدای او و که در بودش محکوم به خاموشی است وآواهای زیرآوار سکوت را به فریاد شادی برای ادامه زندگی مبدل کنید.
با احترام و آرزوی تداوم و توفیق
ثریا فلاح (۱۶)
دبیر سازمان غیر انتفاعی جنبش زنان برای زندگی(۱۷)
5. &
7. مازیار بهاری
وێنهی زێنهب جهلالیان
دسامبری۲۰۱۰ زایینی
بابهت : نیگهرانی له نزێک بوونی ئهگهری له سێدارهدانی ژنێکی گیراوی جودابیری سیاسی
بۆ : زۆر بهڕێز خاتوو شیرینی عیبادی
سورەیا فەلاح سەرۆکی ڕێکخراوی بزوتنه وه ی ژنان بۆ پا راستنی ژیان
ڕێزدار خاتوو شیرین عیبادی ؛
پشتیوانی و ئهندامهتی ئێوه له که مپه ینی بنهماڵهی گهورهی گیراوانی سیاسی (١) وهرگرتنی چهند کهس له گیراوانی جودابیری سیاسی وهک ئهندامی بنهمالهی خۆتان جاریکی تر پیشانده ری سه رنج و په شێوی ئێوه به رانبه ر به و تاکانه یه وا له ژیر ئه شکه نجه و مه ترسی مردن و له ناو چونان. هه ربویه ئهندامهتی ئێوه سهرنجی ڕاکێشام و وهک یهکێک له ئهندامانی ئهو بنهماڵهیه بڕیارم دا که له پێوهندی یهکێک له ژنانی گیراوی کورد کە لە لیستی مەحکوم بە لەسێدارەدان دایە داوای یارمەتی لە ئێوە بکەم .
زێنەب جەلالیان (۲) ساڵی ١٣٨٦ لە کرماشان گیراو لە پاشان بۆ گرتوخانەی سامناکی سنە گوێزرایەوە، شوێنیک کە بیرەوەری بە ئازاری لە سێدارەدانی ئێحسان (۳ ), گولله بارانی نه سرین و شه هلا که عبی (۴) هەر لە ناخی دایە و وەک ئەوە دەچێت شاهید بێت بەزۆری ئەحسەنی پێ لە سەر شانی شەهریار دابنێن و بۆ سێدارەی بەرێت (٥).
کە دادگای چەند خولەکی بۆ پێ ڕاگەیشتن بە تاوانەکانی ئەویش بە بێ بەشداری پارێزەری بە تاوانی بێ بناخەی (محاربە) شەر لە گەڵ خۆا لە سالی ڕابردوودا بە کوتایی هات و بڕیاری لە سێدارەدانی بۆ سەردا تەمەنی تەنیا ٢٧ ساڵانەیە.
زێنەب دوای لە سێدارەدانی هاڤاڵی شیرین (عەلەم هولی ) ( ۶) لە به هاری ئەمساڵ)۱۳۸۹(سێبەری مەرگی زیاترلە پێشوو لە سەر خۆی هەست پێدەکات بەڵام دەنگی بە هانایەوە هاتنی لە لایەن هێندیک لە چالاکان لە بەر ترس لە تانە و توانجە ناڕەواکان وەلانرا، هەڵبەت بە داخەوە ئەم مەسەلەیە سەبارەت بە لیستی دوور و درێژی گیراوانی کورد بە مەحکوم بوونی قورس و پڕکردنی لیستی لەسێدارە دراوان لە گیراوانی کورد پێشهاتێکی جێگای سەرسوڕمان نیە.
بە ئەو پەڕی داخەوە سەڕەڕای بوونی ئەگەری بە زوویەکی لە سێدارەدانی لە پێشمانە، هەڵوێستی تەنگەتاوی و کاریگەر لە لایەن رینوینه ران و سه روکانی بزوتنه وه ی سه وز، پشتیوانانی مافەکانی مرۆڤ لە ئێرانەوە بۆ ڕزگاری گیانی ناوبراو هەڵنەهێنراوەتەوە. زێنەب جەلالیان ، ئەو کەسەی دەچێت هەتا تووشی خراپترین موتەکەیەک بێت کە گیراوێکی سیاسی بۆی هەیە تووشی بێت، ئەویش مۆتەکەی لە بیربردنە. ( ۷)
لە کورتە ئازارنامەکەی دا دەڵیت "داوام لە دادوەر کرد پێش لە سێدارەدانم ڕێگام بدات بۆ دواین جارچاوم بە دایکم و بنەمالەکەم بکەویت و ماڵ ئاوایی یان لێبکەم، بەڵام قازی کوتی کە بێ دەنگ بم".( ۸)
زێنەب هەروەک باقی ژنانی کورد بێجگە لە بوونی جێاوازی جنسی سەپێندراو بە سەر ژنانی تر لە ئێراندا رووبەرووی ستەمەکانی چەند قاتی کولتوری وئابووری، جیاوازی دانانی نەتەوەیی و ئایینی و نەبوونی ئیمکان و هەلی خوێندنی لە ڕادە بەدەرە و ئێستا بە جێگای گەشە سەندن لە ئەم بوارانەدا و بە کەلک بوونی لە پێناوی گەیشتن بە خوزیاکانی چاوەڕیی لە سێدارە دانە.
لە ڕیگای بیرەوەرێکانم دەتوانم بیخەمەر بەر چاوم چ مۆتەکەیەک بە سەری دا زاڵە. نازانم لە کوێ یە بەڵام ئەگەر لە گرتووخانەی سنە دا بێت رۆژی دووجاران بە چاوی بەستراو بۆ کاری سەر ئاوێی دەبەن و لە قوژبنێکی تاریک کە بە زیندانی تاکە کەسی ناسراوە دەبێت لە سەر ئەرد بخەوێت؛ کەڵک وەرگرتن لە تەخت نێعمەتێکە لە کاتی ئازارو ئەشکەنجە دان کەڵکی لێوەردەگرترێت.. داخوا هێچ گروپێکی مافەکانی مرۆڤ نێە لە ماوەی ساڵدا سەردانی ئەو شوێنە بکات! لە گرتوخانە و سلولی تەنیشتی ئەو گیراوێک کە پێش دادگایی کردن تاوانی جیاوازی خوازی بە سەردا سەپێنرابوو بە ئالکوڵی خوماڵی لە ناویان برد، زێنەب بێری لە ئەو و لە ئەو کەسە دەکردەو کە دەیناسی و بە زمانی کوردی لە گەڵ قوتابێکانی دەدوا و دوای کێشانی چه ن مانگ ئەشکەنجە لە مانگی جوون دا گیانی لە دەست دا. ئەو موتەکانەی بۆی هەیە هەر ڕۆژ ڕووبدەن لە ئەو کارەساتانەن ڕۆژانە لە گرتووخانە بچووک و گەورەکانی کوردستان ڕوودەدەن و کەسێش ئاگای لێی نیە و بە ڕوالەت گەڵیک وایان پێ باشە کە هەواڵی نەزانن نەکا لە لایەن کەسانی ترەوە بە نیشتمانفروش و جێاوازی خواز لە قەڵەم بدرێن. و تەنانەت لە چاپ و بڵاوکردنەوەی هەواڵەکانی پێوەندیدار بە ئەو کەسانەی لە لیستی چاوەڕوانی لە سێدارە دان(۹).( ۱۰) خۆدەبوێرن و وێنەکانیان بە ئانقەست و نائانقەست بە هۆی کورد و سونی بوون دەردەهاوین. گرینگ نیە ئەگەر براوەی خەڵاتی نووسەرانی ژێر ئەشکەنجە لە ئاستی مەرگ دایە ( ۱۱) چونکە کوردە و داهێنەرانی زانست لە بواری ئەیدز ( ۱۲) دەبێت لە قوژبنی تاریکدا بمێنەوە نەکا ڕۆژێک خزمەت بە گەلی کورد بکەن. جا چ چالاکی کولتوری یان چالاکی ئەدەبی یا کو چالاکی مه ده نی بێ ئەوە جێگات هەر گرتووخانەیە و چالاکی سیاسیش بیت حوکمت سیداره یه .
کاتیک دوای لە سێدارەدانی لە نەکاوی ٥ گیراوی سیاسی (۱۳)لە به هاری ئەمسالدا (۱۳۸۹(چالاکانی هەڤالم دەپرسن ڕاستی ئەوانە سەر بە تاقم و جیاوازی خواز نەبوون؟ مامەکانم وەبیر دەهاتنەوە کە ڕاگەیاندراوی جیهانی مافەکانی مرۆڤیان دەنووسی، لە ئەو کاتدا ئەوان نەیان دەزانی و لە بیریان نەبوو کە ڕێز بەندی بکەن و ناوی ئەو کەسانەیان بە روونی نووسیبا کە دەبوایە لە لیستی لە سێدارە بوان دا بان. ڕەنگە ئەگەر دوستان خۆیان زەحمەت بدەن و سی بەندەکانی بخوێننەوە ئیتر ورەی ناسکی نیشتمان پەروەریان نەهاژێنێت.
ئەمن زێنەبم بە خوشکی خۆم هەڵبژاردوە(۱۴) بەڵام لە بەر بنەماڵەکەی ئەگەری وەرگرتنی زانیارم سەبارەت بە ناوبراو نیە. ئەوە دەبێتە سێهەم ساڵ کە بنەماڵەی ئێمە لە چاوپێکەوتنی زێنەب بێ بەشە. ئەولە ڕۆژەکانی لە دایک بوونی کە قەت جێژنی بۆ نەگرتوون لە ماوەی ئەم دوو ساڵانەی دوایی دا لە ژێر ئەشکەنجەی بێ ئەمانی پاسەوانانی گرتووخانە، ئەشکەنجە گەران و لێکولەراندا بوە. هەر بە ئەم زووانە ئاگادار بووم کە ئەو هەر دووک چاوی لە ئاکامی ئەشکەنجەی زۆر ولێدانی زەبری قورس لە سەری ڕۆژ بە ڕۆژ بەرەو کزی چوونە.
هەرکات چاو لە هەواڵەکان و دێمەنی بێ تاوانی زێنەب دەکەم بە خۆم نێە هەست بە ئازار دەکەم. هەر دەڵەی ئازاری تەواوی کچانی کوردی لە هەگبەی سەر شانی دایە. بێر لە ئەو گرتوخانە دەکەمەوە تێیدایە و شەوە پرلە ئازارەکانی گرتووخانە ساردە تاکە کەسێ یەکەی کوردستانم بیردێنەوە؛ دەنگی پێێ لیکولەر و قورئان کە نەتدەزانی لە کام گوشەی گرتوخانەڕا دێت. پەتوی سەربازی و هێلە خوار و خێچەکانی هەڵکەندراوی سەر دیوار، کاتی بردن بۆ ئەشکەنجە خانەم وەبیردێتەوە؛ ترس و دڵەڕاوکێ لە دەستە گڵاوەکانی لێکولەر ناهێڵێت لە بیری کاتی بە ئازاری توند وتیژی و بیری پڕچێژی ڕزگار بوون نەجاتیم بێت و هەر ڕۆژەی لە چاوەڕوانی هەواڵی ڕزگاری ئەوانەی لە بەندیخانە دان تێکەڵ بە گروپێک و هەڵمەتێک دەبم هەتا بەڵکو بە سەر ئەو بێدەنگی یە دا زاڵ بم.
هەروەک سەدان کەس لە هاوبیرانم لە دەوری جیهان هەڵگری ئاواتەکانی گەورە و لە پێناوی داخوازیکانی ئاشکرای ڕاگەیاندراوی جیهانی مافەکانی مرۆڤ هەوڵ دەدەم هەتا هەڵبڕینی دەنگم بەندێک بپچڕێنێت و بەڵکو چاوە گەش وشێوە خەزاڵانەی کچکولە کانی چاو لە ڕێگای گوندی دیم قەشلاقی ماکو لە گەرانەوەی زێنەب و زێنەبەکان بدرەوشێنەوە، بە بینینی قارەمانی گوندەکەیان کە لە یەکەمین گەشەسەندنی وشیاری و خۆناسینی تەمەنی لاوەتی دا وەدوای چارەنوس و ڕزگاری، ماڵ و ماڵباتی لە پێناوەی وەدەست هێنانی ئازادی و یەکسانی بە جێ هێشت و ڕۆیشت..
خانمی عیبادی،
بە لە بەرچاو گرتنی ئەوە کە لە ماوەی ساڵانی ئەم دواییدا مەترسی پشتیوانی کردن لە گەلێک لە دوسیەکان بە بایی گیانتان تەواو بوە، لە بەرامبەر پێ شێل کردنی مافەکانی مرۆڤ لە ئیران دا ڕاوەستاون، و لە تریبونیک لە بەردەستان دابوە بۆ پشتیوانی کردن لە گیراوانی نێو بەندێخانە کەڵکتان وەرگرتوە، لە بەر ئەو ئەرکە گرینگە داوای یارمەتی تان لێدەکەم.
هیوادارم مەنتق و لە هەمان کاتدا هەست بە ئەو نیگەرانی و بە پەرۆشی ئیمە سەبارەت بە ئەو ڕووداوە سامناکانە بکەن کە لە وێدا رووی دەدەن.
ئێستا سەرەڕای ئەوەی دەزانم وەک خۆتان دەڵین لە ئێرانێ نین هەتا بتوانن هەروەک ڕابردوو لە دادگا دا ئامادەبن و بەرامبەری ئەو دادوەرانە ڕابوەستن کە بە داخەوە سەربەخویی خۆیان لە کیس داوە( ۱۵) ، بەڵام بە وەرگرتن و پەسندکردنی ئەو وەک ئەندامی بنەماڵەتان و وەئەستۆ گرتنی و بوون بە پارێزەری ناهێڵن دەنگی هەق خوازانەی ئەو لە جێ دا کپ بێت. نامەکەم لە یەکیک لە ڕۆژەکانی جیهانی لابردنی توند و تیژی لە دژی ژنان دەنووسم، ساڵوەگەری ڕۆژێک کە ئەو لە ئەوپەڕی توند وتیژی دا مەحکوم کرا، ئەوەی کە بەشی ژنانی ئیمە لە حکومەت و نەریتەکانە.
لە سەر ئەو باوەڕەم هەتا ئەو کاتەی ئەو مرۆڤانەی لە پێناوی خەبات لە دژی نابەرامبەری، بێ عەداڵەتی، پێ شێل کرانی مافی بڕوا، پێ شێلی مافەکانی نەتەوەیی و ئایینی ، توندو وتیژی و ئازاری جنسی تووشی زیندان بوونە، ئازار و سوکایەتی یان پی دەکرین و لە سێدارە دەرین و دەنگی ئازادیخوازی ئەوان لە پشتی دیوارەکانی بەندیخانە کپ دەکرین ، هیشتاش هەڵ بۆ پێویستی خەبات لە لایەن چالاکانی مافەکانی مرۆڤ و خاوەنانی تریبون لە گۆڕی دایە. ببن بە دەنگی زێنەب و ئەودەنگەی کە لە بوونی دا مەحکوم بە دامرکانە و دەنگی کپ کراوەکان بە گوێی جیهان بگەیەنن.
لە گەڵ ڕێزی بێ پایان
سورەیا فەلاح(۱۶)
سەرۆکی ڕێکخراوی بزوتنه وه ی ژنان بۆ پا راستنی ژیان (۱۷)
وه رگێراو له فارسیه وه بو کوردی: به ریز کاک سه لاح پیروتی
5. &
7. مازیار بهاری
This page is dedicated to the Kurdish Women activist, Zainab Jalalian
Zainab Jalalian is a twenty-seven year Kurdish political activist who is on death row after her conviction of political offences.
Need your action
Need your action
English Section
Zeinab Jalalian letter to the international community before execution: A Letter to the world’s Conscience
To Human Rights Organizations:
I am a twenty-seven year Kurdish woman who has been sentenced to death by the Iranian Judiciary authority for my political activities. After I was given death sentence last year I appealed and my case was reviewed by the Iranian High Court. The High Court sustained the lower court’s decision.
I am under constant torture and humiliation. I was put on an orchestrated trial without a legal representation and after a few minutes I was sentenced to death. I don’t have a lawyer to defend me. The Court only dedicated a few minutes to my case. The Court told me that I was an “Enemy of God,” and in a short period of time all enemies of God would be hanged. All the judges in my trial voted for my execution.
I asked the Judge if I could say good-bye to my mother. He told me “shut up.” The Judge rejected my appeal and refused to let me to see my mother. Since I cannot defend myself, I ask all advocates and activists of human/women’s rights to campaign on my behalf and support me. I need your help.
Zaynab Jalalian
Translated by Kurdish National Congress of North America
petition Save Zeinab Jalalian (زینب جلالیان) from Execution
:Links in English
-Amesty International: Document - Iran: Halt executions of Kurdish and other political Amnesty International is calling on the Iranian authorities not to execute at ... including one woman – Zeynab Jalalian - who are on death row after their
On 24 November 2008, prison guards entered Farzad Kamangar’s cell and reportedly beat him, threatened him with execution, and took him out of the cell
-Background Information: execution for involvement in/ Amnesty International:About twenty other Kurdish political prisoners, including two women, Shirin Alam Holi and Zeynab Jalalian, also await execution January 20, 2009
Street Journalist, March 13, 2010
RAHANA ,March 06, 2010
Kurdish Pen 1/12/2010
Kurdistan Commentary, 29 Nov. 2009
Sep 13, 2009
زینب جلالیان
سنّ: ۲۷
شهر: روستای دیم قشلاقِ ماکو قومیت: کرد شغل: اطلاعاتی در دست نیست اتهام: محاربه و عضویت در گروه پژاک نام وکیل پرونده: دکتر محمد شریف نام قاضی پرونده: درباره قاضی و یا شعبه دادگاه اطلاعاتی در دست نیست حکم: اعدام حکم در دیوان عالی کشور تایید شده است تاریخ تائید حکم : سال ۱۳۸۸
شرح دستگیری، بازپرسی و روند دادگاه
به گزارش سایت گزارشگران حقوق بشر، زینب جلالیان در آذرماه سال ۱۳۸۸ به اتهام محاربه و همکاری با گروه پژاک به اعدام محکوم و این حکم در دیوان عالی کشور تایید شد. این درحالی است که وی از دو سال پیش در زندان به سر می برد و براساس گزارش ها، در دادگاهی «چند دقیقه ای» و «غیرعلنی» به اعدام محکوم شده است.
زینب جلالیان هم اکنون در بند ۲۰۹ زندان اوین به سر می برد.
در تاریخ ۲۳ اسفند ۱۳۸۸ کمیته گزارشگران حقوق بشر خبر داد که به گفته سازمان دیده بان حقوق بشر کردستان مراجعه خلیل بهرامیان، متقاضی وکالت زینب جلالیان، به زندان های کرمانشاه بی نتیجه بوده است. بنا بر یکی از آخرین گزارش ها درباره پرونده زینب جلالیان، منتشر شده در تاریخ ۸ تیر ماه در روزآنلاین، به درخواست زینب هم اکنون خانواده وی از دکتر شریف درخواست پیگیری پرونده زینب را نموده اند و با این حال دکتر شریف نیز موفق به ملاقات با زینب و دیدن پرونده وی نشده بود. به گزارش سایت کمیته گزارشگران حقوق بشر در ۱۹ تیر ۱۳۸۹، دکتر شریف در ملاقات خود در ۱۴ تیر با دادستان تهران درباره فرجام پرونده زینب جلالیان ابراز خوشبینی نمود.
به گفته آقای بهرامیان در نهایت پس از یک ماه بی خبری از وضعیت و محل نگهداری زینب در ۲۸ اسفند ۱۳۸۸ گزارش شد که وی در بند ۲۰۹ زندان اوین در سلولی دو نفره با بهاره هدایت است و امکان ملاقات با وی نیست. به دلیل عدم دسترسی آقای بهرامیان به زینب و امضای وکالتنامهٔ ایشان توسط او، وکالت زینب توسط آقای بهرامیان منتفی ست و احتمال اعدام این زندانی در هر لحظه وجود دارد. گفته شده است که در مدتی که زینب در بند ۲۰۹ زندان اوین به سر می برد تحت فشار برای انجام مصاحبه تلویزیونی بر ضد یک گروه کرد قرار گرفت ولی با این وجود زینب این مصاحبه را انجام نداد.
در مصاحبه تلفنی با پدر زینب، که در آذر ماه ۱۳۸۸ در سایت تهیه منتشر شده است، آقای جلالیان با تاکید بر عدم فعالیت مسلحانه فرزندش، گفت که وی در حالی که قصد بازگشت به منزلش را داشت، در نزدیکی کرمانشاه در اتوبوسی به دلیل نداشتن کارت شناسائی بازداشت و به وزارت کشور تحویل داده شد.
دختر دیگر خانواده جلالیان نیز از حدود هشت سال پیش مفقود شده و هیچ اطلاعی از وضعیت وی در دسترس نیست. سایت کمیته گزارشگران حقوق بشر می نویسد: به گفته پدر زینب جلالیان، وی به اتهام خروج غیرقانونی از کشور به یک سال حبس محکوم شد اما پس از انتقال پرونده به دادگاه انقلاب، حکم اعدام برای این زندانی سیاسی صادر و سپس در دیوان عالی کشور تایید شد.
بنا بر مطلبی که با عنوان نامه ای از زینب جلالیان در یک وبلاگ منتشر شده است، زینب در نامهٔ کوتاهی خطاب به سازمان های مدافع حقوق بشر با تاکید بر سیاسی بودن فعالیتش و نفی هر گونه اقدام مسلحانه، شرایط دادگاهش را توصیف می کند. *
خبر تکمیلی:اخیرا اخباری مبنی بر قریب الوقوع بودن اجرای حکم اعدام زینب منتشر شد (لینک ۱ – لینک ۲) ولی این اخبار توسط منبع موثقی تایید نشده است. در تاریخ ۸ تیر روزآنلاین با پدر، برادر، و وکیل زینب جلالیان مصاحبه ای انجام داده است. در این مصاحبه پدر زینب خبر داد که با زینب صحبت کرده و او از این که آیا پرونده به دایره اجرای احکام فرستاده شده است یا نه بی اطلاع بود.پدر زینب در این گزارش می افزاید: «یک ماه پیش زینب زنگ زد و گفت با دکتر شریف به عنوان وکیل صحبت کنید. من هم رفتم تهران، همان موقع که زینب را ملاقات کردیم رفتم سراغ دکتر شریف و از او خواستم وکالت زینب را قبول کند. خیلی آدم خوبی است. در تهران که رسیدم ساعت 6 صبح بود؛ جایی نداشتم بروم آدرس خانه اش را داد و رفتم گفت پرونده را پی گیری میکند. بعد از زینب شماره پرونده را گرفتم و به دکتر شریف دادم. از وکیلی که در ارومیه بود هم شماره دادنامه را گرفتم اما گفت نمیداند پرونده در کدام شعبه بوده است. دکتر شریف الان یک ماه است پی گیری میکند. دیروز هم با او صحبت کردم اما گفت هنوز پرونده را پیدا نکرده ام و پی گیر هستم. مشخص نیست پرونده در کدام شعبه است.» طبق این گزارش زینب طی مکالمه تلفنی از خانواده خود درخواست کرده است که از طریق دکتر شریف پرونده اش را پی گیری کنند و می پرسید پی گیریها به کجا رسیده است. وی یک هفته پیش که با پدرش تلفنی صحبت کرده بود، گفت او را به سلولی برده اند که با یک نفر دیگرست و تنها نیست.
به گزارش سایت کمیته گزارشگران حقوق بشر در تاریخ ۱۹ تیر، دکتر محمد شریف، پس از دیدار روز دوشنبه، ۱۴ تیرماه با جعفری دولتآبادی، دادستان تهران در خصوص وضعیت پرونده زینب جلالیان، زندانی سیاسی محکوم به اعدام اعلام کرد «به فرجام پرونده زینب جلالیان خوشبین است.»
محمد شریف اضافه کرد: «در این دیدار، تصمیم دادستان مبنی بر این بود که زینب جلالیان، به کرمانشاه منتقل شود چرا که پرونده در دادگاه انقلاب این شهر مطرح و منجر به صدور حکم شده است.»با توجه به طولانی بودن مسیر کرمانشاه تا تهران، از پنج ماه گذشته که زینب جلالیان در زندان اوین به سر برده، تنها یک بار پدرش موفق به ملاقات با وی شد. به گفته شریف، انتقال جلالیان به کرمانشاه، «حداقل شرایط را برای ملاقات خانواده با وی آسانتر خواهد کرد.» محمد شریف در نهایت اعلام کرد که پس از ملاقات با دادستان تهران و بررسی پرونده این زندانی سیاسی کرد، «نسبت به فرجام پرونده وی، خوشبین است.» در این دیدار، برادر زینب جلالیان نیز حضور داشته است.
زندگی نامه
زینب جلالیان زندانی کرد محکوم به اعدام، در خانواده ای محروم به دنیا آمد. پدر و مادر مسن او که از مشکلات جسمی رنج می برند، امورات خود و خانواده زینب را با دامداری می گذرانند که بخش عمده از آنرا در جریان هزینه های پیگیری امور قضایی پرونده زینب از دست داده اند. حتا در حال حاضر از داشتن تلفن تماس محروم بوده و برای تماس با آنها با خانه همسایه تماس گرفته میشود. زینب چند برادر و یک خواهر دارد و ۸ سال است که از سرنوشت خواهر زینب اطلأعی در دست نیست.
سایت روز آنلاین در تاریخ ۴ آذر ۱۳۸۸ نوشت که زینب در سن ۱۰ سالگی به دلیل ممانعت خانواده از ادامه تحصیل، که به آن عشق میورزید و مشکلاتی که با برادرانش داشت، از خانه فرار می کند. وی در همین سنّ و با توجه به شرایط سخت کردستان به حزب پ.ک.ک نزدیک شد و همانجا به درس خواندن ادامه داد و بعد از مدتی به فعالیت های تبلیغی برای این گروه پرداخت.
روز آنلاین در ادامه می نویسد: «دختر ده ساله ای را در نظر بگیرید که در هوای سرد کوهستان به یک گروه سیاسی پناه ببرد. همان جا رشد کند و درس بخواند. آیا این دختر را که هرگز حامی دیگری در زندگی نداشته و اساسا نوع دیگری از زندگی به او نشان داده نشده، مبارزه مسلحانه ای انجام نداده و خودش نیز اعتراف می کند که هیچ وقت دست به اسلحه نبرده و صرفا کار تبلیغی کرده است، می توان در ۲۷ سالگی به اعدام محکوم کرد؟»
بخش فارسیبه سازمانهای حقوق بشر : اسم من زینب جلالیان می باشد. من دختر 27 سالهی کورد زندانی سیاسی ایران هستم حکم اعدام من از طرف شورای عالی دادگاه انقلاب اسلامی تایید شده است ، من بخاطر شکنجهی زیاد در حال حاضر مریض ، و هیچ وکیلی ندارم که از من دفاع کند محاکمهی من فقط چند دقیقه طول کشید و ان هم این بود که دادگاه به من گفت تو دشمن خدا هستی و باید اعدام شوی من از حاکم خواستم که پیش از اعدامم به من اجازه بدهد برای اخرین بار صدای مادرم و فامیلم را بشنوم حاکم از من خواست که دهنم را ببندم و در خواست مرا رد کرد . 26/11/2009زینب جلالیان
فايل صوتي
Ms. Alam Hooli (DOB: June 3rd 1981) was born in the village of Gheshlagh near the city of Maku in Iran. She was arrested in May of 2007 by the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran. She spent the first 25 days of her imprisonment in an unknown location under brutal physical and psychological torture. After that she was transferred to Section 209 of the Evin Prison where she was held in solitary confinement and subjected to brutal torture for six (6) months. After that she was transferred to the Women’s ward in the Evin Prison.
On December 19th 2009 she was sentenced to two (2) years of imprisonment for illegal exit from Iran, and sentenced to death for being a “Mohareb” (enemy of God) for her alleged involvement in Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK). Her trial took place in Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, under Judge “Salavati.” He lawyer was informed of the decision on January 3rd 2010 and has appealed the decision, however to this point there is no judgement from the Court of Appeal.
In her first letter Ms. Alam Hooli wrote about the brutal physical and psychological torture she was subjected to during interrogation. As a result of that torture Ms. Alam Hooli is currently suffering from numerous health problems which she has pointed out in her current letter. In her previous letter Ms. Alam Hooli had also stated that the interrogators had tried very hard to break her hunger strike. In her second letter she writes about how the interrogators are trying to force a televised confession from her, asking her to deny her Kurdish ethnicity by subjecting her to further interrogations.
The Letter of Ms. Shirin Alam Hooli
I am entering into my third year of imprisonment, three years under the worst conditions behind the bars of the Evin Prison. I spent the first two years of my imprisonment without a lawyer, and in pre-trial custody. All my inquiries about my case went unanswered until I was unjustly sentenced to death.
Why have I been imprisoned and why am I going to be executed? For what crime? Is it because I am Kurdish? If that’s the case than I must say I was born a Kurd.
My language is Kurdish, the language that I use to communicate with my family, friends and community, and the language that I grew up with. But I am not allowed to speak my language or read it, I am not allowed to go to school in my own language and I am not allowed to write it. They are telling me to deny my Kurdishness, but if I do, that means I have to deny who I am.
Mr. Judge and Interrogator:
When you were interrogating me, I couldn’t speak your language and couldn’t understand you. I learned Farsi in the past two years in the Women’s section of the prison from my friends. But you interrogated me, tried me and sentenced me in your own language even though I couldn’t understand it and couldn’t defend myself.
The torture that you subjected me to has become my nightmare. I am in constant pain because of the torture I was subjected to. The blows to my head during interrogation has caused major problems to my head, and sometimes I suffer from severe headaches, where I lose all sense of myself, my nose starts bleeding from the pain and this lasts for several hours until I start to feel normal again.
Another “present” your torture has left me is the damage to my eyes which gets worse every day. My request for glasses has gone unanswered. When I entered this prison my hair was black, now after three (3) years of imprisonment, my hair has started to turn white.
I know you have done this not only to me but to all Kurds including Zeynab Jalaliyan and Ronak Safarzadeh… The eyes of Kurdish mothers are full of tears, waiting to see their children. They are in a state of constant worry, in fear that each phone call may bring the news of the execution of their children.
Today is May 2nd 2010 and once again they took me to Section 209 of the Evin Prison for interrogation. They asked me to cooperate with them in order for me to be pardoned and not executed. I don’t understand what they mean by cooperation, when I don’t have anything more to say than what I have already said. They want me to repeat whatever they say, but I refuse to do it.
The interrogators told me “we wanted to release you last year, but your family wouldn’t cooperate with us so things had to come to this.” He admitted to me that I was a hostage and until they reach their goal they will keep me a prisoner or execute me but they will never release me.
Shirin Alam Hooli
May 3rd 2010-05
This page is dedicated to Shirin Alam Holi
Shirin Alam Holi Executed along with 4 other Political Prisoners
Sunday 9 May 2010
Change for Equality: Shirin Alam Holi, born in 1981 in a small village near Maku, executed in Evin Prison on May 9th 2010 after passing one year and nine months in prison. She was charged with the issue cooperating with Pajak (Iranian branch of PKK) on Nov. 29th 2009 and sentenced to death. Her lawyer and family had no information about her execution.
Shirin had been arrested in June 2008 in Tehran by Sepah Pasdaran and transferred to Evin Prison after 21 days interrogation and tortures in an unknown place. She had described what had happened to her completely in a letter which she had given to her family. In this letter she related many physical as well as mental pressures she had endured during the interrogation and wrote to her interrogators that what they did to her has become part of her nightmares and caused many disorders both physically and mentally. Shirin Alam Holi had written, in her last letter, that she even couldn’t speak Farsi fluently when she had been taken to the court. Now she has been executed along with 4 other political prisoners while the Supreme Court has notified no specific decree in order to confirm her execution to her lawyers and family and executed her without informing them which is totally against the Executive Principal of the Prisons.
She has had her last contact with her family on Friday 7th of May and said nothing about notifying the decree from the Supreme Court. Her family had described her physical and mental situation appropriate; however they informed that she has been under pressure to do some TV interviews and confession.
Shirin Alam Holi is one of the victims of the violence in Iran judiciary system which has been always treated unfair from the beginning of her arrest and ultimately executed without any advance notification and against all the legitimate measurements.
Shirin had been arrested in June 2008 in Tehran by Sepah Pasdaran and transferred to Evin Prison after 21 days interrogation and tortures in an unknown place. She had described what had happened to her completely in a letter which she had given to her family. In this letter she related many physical as well as mental pressures she had endured during the interrogation and wrote to her interrogators that what they did to her has become part of her nightmares and caused many disorders both physically and mentally. Shirin Alam Holi had written, in her last letter, that she even couldn’t speak Farsi fluently when she had been taken to the court. Now she has been executed along with 4 other political prisoners while the Supreme Court has notified no specific decree in order to confirm her execution to her lawyers and family and executed her without informing them which is totally against the Executive Principal of the Prisons.
She has had her last contact with her family on Friday 7th of May and said nothing about notifying the decree from the Supreme Court. Her family had described her physical and mental situation appropriate; however they informed that she has been under pressure to do some TV interviews and confession.
Shirin Alam Holi is one of the victims of the violence in Iran judiciary system which has been always treated unfair from the beginning of her arrest and ultimately executed without any advance notification and against all the legitimate measurements.
I am a Hostage: A letter from Political Prisoner Ms. Shirin Alam Hooli
“My language is Kurdish, the language that I use to communicate with my family, friends and community, and the language that I grew up with. But I am not allowed to speak my language or read it, I am not allowed to go to school in my own language and I am not allowed to write it. They are telling me to deny my Kurdishness, but if I do, that means I have to deny who I am.“
Ms. Alam Hooli (DOB: June 3rd 1981) was born in the village of Gheshlagh near the city of Maku in Iran. She was arrested in May of 2007 by the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran. She spent the first 25 days of her imprisonment in an unknown location under brutal physical and psychological torture. After that she was transferred to Section 209 of the Evin Prison where she was held in solitary confinement and subjected to brutal torture for six (6) months. After that she was transferred to the Women’s ward in the Evin Prison.
On December 19th 2009 she was sentenced to two (2) years of imprisonment for illegal exit from Iran, and sentenced to death for being a “Mohareb” (enemy of God) for her alleged involvement in Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK). Her trial took place in Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, under Judge “Salavati.” He lawyer was informed of the decision on January 3rd 2010 and has appealed the decision, however to this point there is no judgement from the Court of Appeal.
In her first letter Ms. Alam Hooli wrote about the brutal physical and psychological torture she was subjected to during interrogation. As a result of that torture Ms. Alam Hooli is currently suffering from numerous health problems which she has pointed out in her current letter. In her previous letter Ms. Alam Hooli had also stated that the interrogators had tried very hard to break her hunger strike. In her second letter she writes about how the interrogators are trying to force a televised confession from her, asking her to deny her Kurdish ethnicity by subjecting her to further interrogations.
The Letter of Ms. Shirin Alam Hooli
I am entering into my third year of imprisonment, three years under the worst conditions behind the bars of the Evin Prison. I spent the first two years of my imprisonment without a lawyer, and in pre-trial custody. All my inquiries about my case went unanswered until I was unjustly sentenced to death.
Why have I been imprisoned and why am I going to be executed? For what crime? Is it because I am Kurdish? If that’s the case than I must say I was born a Kurd.
My language is Kurdish, the language that I use to communicate with my family, friends and community, and the language that I grew up with. But I am not allowed to speak my language or read it, I am not allowed to go to school in my own language and I am not allowed to write it. They are telling me to deny my Kurdishness, but if I do, that means I have to deny who I am.
Mr. Judge and Interrogator:
When you were interrogating me, I couldn’t speak your language and couldn’t understand you. I learned Farsi in the past two years in the Women’s section of the prison from my friends. But you interrogated me, tried me and sentenced me in your own language even though I couldn’t understand it and couldn’t defend myself.
The torture that you subjected me to has become my nightmare. I am in constant pain because of the torture I was subjected to. The blows to my head during interrogation has caused major problems to my head, and sometimes I suffer from severe headaches, where I lose all sense of myself, my nose starts bleeding from the pain and this lasts for several hours until I start to feel normal again.
Another “present” your torture has left me is the damage to my eyes which gets worse every day. My request for glasses has gone unanswered. When I entered this prison my hair was black, now after three (3) years of imprisonment, my hair has started to turn white.
I know you have done this not only to me but to all Kurds including Zeynab Jalaliyan and Ronak Safarzadeh… The eyes of Kurdish mothers are full of tears, waiting to see their children. They are in a state of constant worry, in fear that each phone call may bring the news of the execution of their children.
Today is May 2nd 2010 and once again they took me to Section 209 of the Evin Prison for interrogation. They asked me to cooperate with them in order for me to be pardoned and not executed. I don’t understand what they mean by cooperation, when I don’t have anything more to say than what I have already said. They want me to repeat whatever they say, but I refuse to do it.
The interrogators told me “we wanted to release you last year, but your family wouldn’t cooperate with us so things had to come to this.” He admitted to me that I was a hostage and until they reach their goal they will keep me a prisoner or execute me but they will never release me.
Shirin Alam Hooli
May 3rd 2010-05
Shirin Alam Hooli
This page is dedicated to the Kurdish Women activist, Shirin Alam Hooli
Shirin Alam Hooli is a twenty eight year old Kurdish woman who has been sentenced to death in Iran for her alleged support for a Kurdish Opposition group
Shirin Alm Hooli شيرين علم هوليEnglish Section
Letter of Shirin Alam Hooli from Prison- Kurdish Prisoner Sentenced to Death in Iran
Recently a female political prisoner Ms. Shirin Alam Hooli was sentenced to death in Iran for allegedly being a member of a Kurdish opposition organization PJAK.
Below is the translation of her letter from prison which was written on January 18th 2010 which describes the torture and interrogations she underwent before her death sentence was handed down. Please keep in mind that I am not a profession translator, however I have done my best to translate the letter word for word. I was arrested in April of 2007 in Tehran by a number of uniformed and a number of non-uniformed security forces. I was transferred directly to Sepah Detention Centre, and was there for a total of 25 days. From the minute that I entered the detention centre they started beating me without asking me any questions or waiting for any answers. I spent 22 days on hunger strike and during that entire time I was subjected to both physical and psychological torture. My interrogators were all men and I was tied to a bed. They would beat me with electrical batons, cables, and would punch and kick me until I was unconscious. At that time I still had difficulty speaking and understanding Farsi. When I wasn’t able to answer their questions they would continue to beat me until I lost consciousness. When the prayer time came they would go to pray and “would give me time to think about things and answer questions.” Once they came back the beatings would continue, then losing consciousness and then cold water... When they saw that I would not break my hunger strike they would try to force feed me with tubes, however I would resists and rip the tubes from my nose, which would lead to great pain and bleeding and now even two years later I still suffer from that pain. One day during interrogations they kicked my stomach so hard that I had severe internal bleeding. Another time an interrogator came to interrogate me, he was the only interrogator that I actually saw, the rest of the time I was blind folded. He started asking me irrelevant questions and when I wouldn’t answer he slapped me and pulled out a gun and put it to my head. he told me “answer my questions. I know that you are a member of PJAK, you’re a terrorist. Listen to me girl, it doesn’t matter if you talk or not. Either way we are happy that we’re captured a PJAK member. Once when a doctor had come to look at my wounds I was in a state of sleep and awakeness. The doctor requested that I be transferred to the hospital. The interrogator asked “why does she have to go to the hospital, can’t she be treated here?” The doctor said “it’s not for treatment; in the hospital I can do something to her that she will start talking.” The next day I was taken to the hospital with blind folds and handcuffs. The doctor gave me a needle; I totally lost control and apparently started talking and answering all of their questions exactly the way they wanted. They videotaped this. Once I came to, I asked them where I was and realized that I was still on the hospital bed. After that I was transferred to my cell again. Apparently even that wasn’t enough for the interrogators; they wanted me to suffer more. They would force me to stand up on my feet after they had beaten my feet until my feet were completely swollen. Then they would give me ice. I could hear screams of other prisoners day and night, and that really bothered me and upset me. Later I learned that the screams had been taped in order to psychologically torture me. Sometimes I would sit in the interrogation room for hours while drops of cold water would fall on my head for hours. On another occasion I was blindfolded and being interrogated. The interrogator burnt my hand with his cigarette. On another occasion the interrogator stood on my feet with his shoes for so long that my nails turned black and fell off eventually. Sometimes they would just force me to stand up the entire day in the interrogation room without asking me any questions while interrogators would do cross word puzzles. Basically they did everything they could to make sure I suffered. After I was released from the hospital they decided to transfer me to Section 209 of the Evin Prison, however because of my injuries and because of the fact that I couldn’t even walk Section 209 refused to accept me. They held me in front of Section 209 for an entire day and then they were finally forced to take me to the prison clinic. I had lost all sense of time and didn’t know whether it was day or night. I don’t know how long I stayed in the prison clinic. Once I was a little bit better I was transferred to Section 209 and interrogations started once again. In 209 they had their special interrogation techniques and they always played the good cop/bad cop. First a “bad” interrogator would come and subject me to torture and tell me that he wasn’t bound by any law and he could do whatever he wanted with me. Then a “good” interrogator would come and ask the “bad” interrogator to stop torturing me and would offer me a cigarette. Then the entire cycle would repeat itself. When I was in Section 209 and I wasn’t feeling well because of the torture or internal bleeding they would just inject me with pain killers and I would spend entire days sleeping. They would not take me to the prison clinic for treatment... Shirin Alam Hooli, Evin Prison, January 18th 2010
Translation by: Sayeh Hassan
Petitions:Links in English
Another Kurdish woman is sentenced to death
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This page is dedicated to Shirin Alam Holi
Shirin Alam Holi Executed along with 4 other Political Prisoners
Sunday 9 May 2010
Change for Equality: Shirin Alam Holi, born in 1981 in a small village near Maku, executed in Evin Prison on May 9th 2010 after passing one year and nine months in prison. She was charged with the issue cooperating with Pajak (Iranian branch of PKK) on Nov. 29th 2009 and sentenced to death. Her lawyer and family had no information about her execution.
Shirin had been arrested in June 2008 in Tehran by Sepah Pasdaran and transferred to Evin Prison after 21 days interrogation and tortures in an unknown place. She had described what had happened to her completely in a letter which she had given to her family. In this letter she related many physical as well as mental pressures she had endured during the interrogation and wrote to her interrogators that what they did to her has become part of her nightmares and caused many disorders both physically and mentally. Shirin Alam Holi had written, in her last letter, that she even couldn’t speak Farsi fluently when she had been taken to the court. Now she has been executed along with 4 other political prisoners while the Supreme Court has notified no specific decree in order to confirm her execution to her lawyers and family and executed her without informing them which is totally against the Executive Principal of the Prisons.
She has had her last contact with her family on Friday 7th of May and said nothing about notifying the decree from the Supreme Court. Her family had described her physical and mental situation appropriate; however they informed that she has been under pressure to do some TV interviews and confession.
Shirin Alam Holi is one of the victims of the violence in Iran judiciary system which has been always treated unfair from the beginning of her arrest and ultimately executed without any advance notification and against all the legitimate measurements.
Shirin had been arrested in June 2008 in Tehran by Sepah Pasdaran and transferred to Evin Prison after 21 days interrogation and tortures in an unknown place. She had described what had happened to her completely in a letter which she had given to her family. In this letter she related many physical as well as mental pressures she had endured during the interrogation and wrote to her interrogators that what they did to her has become part of her nightmares and caused many disorders both physically and mentally. Shirin Alam Holi had written, in her last letter, that she even couldn’t speak Farsi fluently when she had been taken to the court. Now she has been executed along with 4 other political prisoners while the Supreme Court has notified no specific decree in order to confirm her execution to her lawyers and family and executed her without informing them which is totally against the Executive Principal of the Prisons.
She has had her last contact with her family on Friday 7th of May and said nothing about notifying the decree from the Supreme Court. Her family had described her physical and mental situation appropriate; however they informed that she has been under pressure to do some TV interviews and confession.
Shirin Alam Holi is one of the victims of the violence in Iran judiciary system which has been always treated unfair from the beginning of her arrest and ultimately executed without any advance notification and against all the legitimate measurements.
I am a Hostage: A letter from Political Prisoner Ms. Shirin Alam Hooli
“My language is Kurdish, the language that I use to communicate with my family, friends and community, and the language that I grew up with. But I am not allowed to speak my language or read it, I am not allowed to go to school in my own language and I am not allowed to write it. They are telling me to deny my Kurdishness, but if I do, that means I have to deny who I am.“
Ms. Alam Hooli (DOB: June 3rd 1981) was born in the village of Gheshlagh near the city of Maku in Iran. She was arrested in May of 2007 by the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran. She spent the first 25 days of her imprisonment in an unknown location under brutal physical and psychological torture. After that she was transferred to Section 209 of the Evin Prison where she was held in solitary confinement and subjected to brutal torture for six (6) months. After that she was transferred to the Women’s ward in the Evin Prison.
On December 19th 2009 she was sentenced to two (2) years of imprisonment for illegal exit from Iran, and sentenced to death for being a “Mohareb” (enemy of God) for her alleged involvement in Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK). Her trial took place in Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, under Judge “Salavati.” He lawyer was informed of the decision on January 3rd 2010 and has appealed the decision, however to this point there is no judgement from the Court of Appeal.
In her first letter Ms. Alam Hooli wrote about the brutal physical and psychological torture she was subjected to during interrogation. As a result of that torture Ms. Alam Hooli is currently suffering from numerous health problems which she has pointed out in her current letter. In her previous letter Ms. Alam Hooli had also stated that the interrogators had tried very hard to break her hunger strike. In her second letter she writes about how the interrogators are trying to force a televised confession from her, asking her to deny her Kurdish ethnicity by subjecting her to further interrogations.
The Letter of Ms. Shirin Alam Hooli
I am entering into my third year of imprisonment, three years under the worst conditions behind the bars of the Evin Prison. I spent the first two years of my imprisonment without a lawyer, and in pre-trial custody. All my inquiries about my case went unanswered until I was unjustly sentenced to death.
Why have I been imprisoned and why am I going to be executed? For what crime? Is it because I am Kurdish? If that’s the case than I must say I was born a Kurd.
My language is Kurdish, the language that I use to communicate with my family, friends and community, and the language that I grew up with. But I am not allowed to speak my language or read it, I am not allowed to go to school in my own language and I am not allowed to write it. They are telling me to deny my Kurdishness, but if I do, that means I have to deny who I am.
Mr. Judge and Interrogator:
When you were interrogating me, I couldn’t speak your language and couldn’t understand you. I learned Farsi in the past two years in the Women’s section of the prison from my friends. But you interrogated me, tried me and sentenced me in your own language even though I couldn’t understand it and couldn’t defend myself.
The torture that you subjected me to has become my nightmare. I am in constant pain because of the torture I was subjected to. The blows to my head during interrogation has caused major problems to my head, and sometimes I suffer from severe headaches, where I lose all sense of myself, my nose starts bleeding from the pain and this lasts for several hours until I start to feel normal again.
Another “present” your torture has left me is the damage to my eyes which gets worse every day. My request for glasses has gone unanswered. When I entered this prison my hair was black, now after three (3) years of imprisonment, my hair has started to turn white.
I know you have done this not only to me but to all Kurds including Zeynab Jalaliyan and Ronak Safarzadeh… The eyes of Kurdish mothers are full of tears, waiting to see their children. They are in a state of constant worry, in fear that each phone call may bring the news of the execution of their children.
Today is May 2nd 2010 and once again they took me to Section 209 of the Evin Prison for interrogation. They asked me to cooperate with them in order for me to be pardoned and not executed. I don’t understand what they mean by cooperation, when I don’t have anything more to say than what I have already said. They want me to repeat whatever they say, but I refuse to do it.
The interrogators told me “we wanted to release you last year, but your family wouldn’t cooperate with us so things had to come to this.” He admitted to me that I was a hostage and until they reach their goal they will keep me a prisoner or execute me but they will never release me.
Shirin Alam Hooli
May 3rd 2010-05
Shirin Alam Hooli
Shirin Alam Hooli is a twenty eight year old Kurdish woman who has been sentenced to death in Iran for her alleged support for a Kurdish Opposition group
Shirin Alm Hooli شيرين علم هوليEnglish Section
Letter of Shirin Alam Hooli from Prison- Kurdish Prisoner Sentenced to Death in Iran
Recently a female political prisoner Ms. Shirin Alam Hooli was sentenced to death in Iran for allegedly being a member of a Kurdish opposition organization PJAK.
Below is the translation of her letter from prison which was written on January 18th 2010 which describes the torture and interrogations she underwent before her death sentence was handed down. Please keep in mind that I am not a profession translator, however I have done my best to translate the letter word for word. I was arrested in April of 2007 in Tehran by a number of uniformed and a number of non-uniformed security forces. I was transferred directly to Sepah Detention Centre, and was there for a total of 25 days. From the minute that I entered the detention centre they started beating me without asking me any questions or waiting for any answers. I spent 22 days on hunger strike and during that entire time I was subjected to both physical and psychological torture. My interrogators were all men and I was tied to a bed. They would beat me with electrical batons, cables, and would punch and kick me until I was unconscious. At that time I still had difficulty speaking and understanding Farsi. When I wasn’t able to answer their questions they would continue to beat me until I lost consciousness. When the prayer time came they would go to pray and “would give me time to think about things and answer questions.” Once they came back the beatings would continue, then losing consciousness and then cold water... When they saw that I would not break my hunger strike they would try to force feed me with tubes, however I would resists and rip the tubes from my nose, which would lead to great pain and bleeding and now even two years later I still suffer from that pain. One day during interrogations they kicked my stomach so hard that I had severe internal bleeding. Another time an interrogator came to interrogate me, he was the only interrogator that I actually saw, the rest of the time I was blind folded. He started asking me irrelevant questions and when I wouldn’t answer he slapped me and pulled out a gun and put it to my head. he told me “answer my questions. I know that you are a member of PJAK, you’re a terrorist. Listen to me girl, it doesn’t matter if you talk or not. Either way we are happy that we’re captured a PJAK member. Once when a doctor had come to look at my wounds I was in a state of sleep and awakeness. The doctor requested that I be transferred to the hospital. The interrogator asked “why does she have to go to the hospital, can’t she be treated here?” The doctor said “it’s not for treatment; in the hospital I can do something to her that she will start talking.” The next day I was taken to the hospital with blind folds and handcuffs. The doctor gave me a needle; I totally lost control and apparently started talking and answering all of their questions exactly the way they wanted. They videotaped this. Once I came to, I asked them where I was and realized that I was still on the hospital bed. After that I was transferred to my cell again. Apparently even that wasn’t enough for the interrogators; they wanted me to suffer more. They would force me to stand up on my feet after they had beaten my feet until my feet were completely swollen. Then they would give me ice. I could hear screams of other prisoners day and night, and that really bothered me and upset me. Later I learned that the screams had been taped in order to psychologically torture me. Sometimes I would sit in the interrogation room for hours while drops of cold water would fall on my head for hours. On another occasion I was blindfolded and being interrogated. The interrogator burnt my hand with his cigarette. On another occasion the interrogator stood on my feet with his shoes for so long that my nails turned black and fell off eventually. Sometimes they would just force me to stand up the entire day in the interrogation room without asking me any questions while interrogators would do cross word puzzles. Basically they did everything they could to make sure I suffered. After I was released from the hospital they decided to transfer me to Section 209 of the Evin Prison, however because of my injuries and because of the fact that I couldn’t even walk Section 209 refused to accept me. They held me in front of Section 209 for an entire day and then they were finally forced to take me to the prison clinic. I had lost all sense of time and didn’t know whether it was day or night. I don’t know how long I stayed in the prison clinic. Once I was a little bit better I was transferred to Section 209 and interrogations started once again. In 209 they had their special interrogation techniques and they always played the good cop/bad cop. First a “bad” interrogator would come and subject me to torture and tell me that he wasn’t bound by any law and he could do whatever he wanted with me. Then a “good” interrogator would come and ask the “bad” interrogator to stop torturing me and would offer me a cigarette. Then the entire cycle would repeat itself. When I was in Section 209 and I wasn’t feeling well because of the torture or internal bleeding they would just inject me with pain killers and I would spend entire days sleeping. They would not take me to the prison clinic for treatment... Shirin Alam Hooli, Evin Prison, January 18th 2010
Translation by: Sayeh Hassan
Petitions:Links in English
Another Kurdish woman is sentenced to death
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